Member Newsletters
This month’s judge was visiting Bangladesh, and luckily, he checked the time zone to be on-line at the correct time.
JUNE & JULY 2022
A fantastic start to June, with our Still Life Workshop in the Hall, combined with light refreshments provided by the club. The format worked well,
May 2022
We started May in the best way possible, by our return to the hall
March & April 2022
March started off with a fantastic presentation by Mario on “Minimalism”
February 2022
With a positive outlook we believed 2022 would start differently. Not to be! Our Treasure Hunt was changed to a Virtual one.
November 2021
Normally November would begin with our Club Weekend away, but again this year we had to forgo this due to Covid Restrictions. In lieu we finally got to go the Monash Gallery of Art, after three aborted attempts. The current exhibition was The Bowness Prize along with VCE student work. We followed this up with a lunch in the fantastic gardens surrounding the gallery.
October 2021
Our October Field Trip had already been cancelled and replaced by a Virtual Field trip to embrace the increased distance that we could travel. We then had a spike in Covid cases so that Virtual Field Trip was replaced by another Virtual Field Trip. Just to mix things up a bit, the topic was set to “Eggs”.
September 2021
As has been the way for the last two years, we had to forego another planned field trip and hold a virtual one in lieu. This time we set a topic of Architecture.
August 2021
We started August with our annual loss to Southern Suburbs who had a number of extraordinary images.
July 2021
No sooner we were back in the Hall, we are out again, but what a great night it was with our Macro/Depth of Field Workshop
June 2021
May judging of “Feeling Blue” with Lesley Bretherton was our first in some time that we had to provide actual prints.
May 2021
After having to cancel David Gilliver last year as we entered lockdown, we finally got to see his fireworks presentation
April 2021
Our last judging for March was “Complementary Colours” with our second interstate judge, this time from South Australia.
March 2021
One of the great things about on-line meetings is that we now have the opportunity to extend our judging pool by using interstate judges. This month we had our first interstate judge.
February 2021
We started our year with our normal meeting, sharing our Treasure Hunt images and also a few of our images from the last 12 months. This is always a fun and relaxed way to start our year. Our new monthly meeting, the Advice and Discussion Night, turned out to be successful.
December 2021 Nature Projected: End of Year Winner : Geoff Edwards, Hooded plover in a sand storm
Thank you to all of the members and family who came to the Treasure Hunt at the Botanic Gardens, it was wonderful to see everyone again. After a year of only seeing one of our new members on Zoom, it was nice to finally meet
December 2020
We have come to the end of another year but we can in no way call it a “Normal” year. In some ways the Lockdown opened a new way forward for the club as Zoom has opened new possibilities.
November 2020
We had to make the sad decision to not have the Portrait shoot at our End of Year Get Together due to the uncertainty around restrictions. Instead we will hold a Start of Year picnic in the Botanic Gardens in January after the Treasure Hunt.
Image of the Month, October 2020: Gary Beresford, Hoverfly
October 2020
The first meeting of October was the in house judging of ‘Places of Worship”. We had four club members volunteer. Each judge critiqued an image in turn, which may have been slightly harder than our novices thought it would be. However, they did a sterling job and rose to the occasion.
Image of the Month, September: Andrea Maloney, Miranda’s Happy Smile
September 2020
We ended August with members images from the Virtual Field Trip. The night also included a great amount of time sharing jumping spider photos, much to the Presidents joy …. Not!
Image of the Month, August– Gary Beresford – Here’s looking at you kid.
August was a busy month starting with the annual Interclub with Southern Suburbs. Unfortunately, we came second again, but nevertheless, a good night .. click below to read more news