About Caulfield Photographic Society
Caulfield Photographic Society (CPS) is a photography club in Melbourne associated with Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc (VAPS). We are a non profit incorporated club financed solely from membership fees and other contributions. There are no paid officers and the club is administered by an elected committee as outlined in the club constitution. Committee elections are held annually each October.
We meet at the Caulfield R.S.L., 4 St. Georges Road, Elsternwick, or on-line every second Monday at 7:30 pm. Club meetings generally alternate between a guest speaker or club night and a club competition which caters to both novices and open competitors.
We welcome visitors to come along one evening to experience what we offer. Please check our syllabus for further details.
You may also be interested in attending our Introduction to Photography Course held each year, typically held in March or April. Once again, check the syllabus for details.
Please see the map below to locate Club Meetings