The End of Year competition for 2024 is a wrap. Club members showcased their best work, submitting up to two images per section. All entries (except for the Field Trip section) were submitted during the year in the monthly competitions. Field Trip entries were captured during the current syllabus period. This year, for the first time, participants had the option to fine-tune images entered earlier in the year, provided they stayed true to the original. A good chance to take on critique from the judges during the year. Take a look at the winning images and be sure to go to the bottom of this post to see the Image of Year.
November 2024 Comp Winners
This month we’re looking for images that show heat at work or the effects of heat, whether man made or natural. There can be a positive or negative message and the source of the heat does not necessarily need to be shown, but it must be clear that heart has had a part.
Open Awards
Set Subject Awards (Heat)
Images of the Month
October 2024 Comp Awards
Our guest judge for October was Wolf Marx, a long time friend of CPS. The set subject was “Lets eat”, and the brief was:
Create an image that expresses the joy or the essence of food. This can be in the preparation and/or eating of food, by a single person or in a group, in a commercial environment or in the home. We’re not looking for styled food shots, still life or (especially) a snap of your breakfast.
Open Awards
Set Subject Awards
Images of the Month
August 2024 Paul Robinson Trophy
This year, Paul, the founder of the Caulfield Photographic Society challenged members to photograph Abstract Architecture. The winner is awarded a perpetual trophy. The images was to be derived from a human-made structure with an arrangement of colours, shapes, forms, light, texture and perspective that are not recognisable as the structure itself, although they may suggest the structure. Take a look at this years winners.
Paul Robinson Trophy Winner 2024: Karen Morley, With a twist
Awarded Images
July 2024 Comp Winners
The irony that a photograph is silent, but the world we capture isn’t. This months challenge was to capture a moment of noise. Images were to capture a moment of noise - the louder the better!
Image of the Month
Set Subject - Noise
June 2024 Competition Winners
Images for this months competition needed to bend light to make the subject appear very large, very small, or distorted. This could be done with a glass, liquid, water droplets or some other surface such as a prism or lens ball. The subject had to be something physical and not edited in. View our awarded images for this months comp meeting this critera for Refraction, along with those from our open competition. Enjoy.
Image of the Month
Subject - Refraction
May 2024 Competition Winners
Give in to the dark side and let dark tones dominate with just enough light to illuminate the subject. This is not an excuse to underexpose the subject as the lighting on the subject is to be correct. That is the challenge for the May competition - Low Key. Enjoy the awarded images including those from our Open Competition
Image of the Month
Subject - Low Key
April 2024 Competition Winners
Upside down. That is the theme for out April Comp. The subject had to be actually upside down and not be an inverted image. Take a look at our winners for this month
Image of the Month
Subject - Upside Down
March 2024 Competition Winners
Shoes, we all need them whether for walking and running. Shoes was our set subject competition for February. A single shoe; multiple shoes; in use, or not. Either way, the shoes had to be clearly the primary subject. Take a look at our awarded images for both shoes and our open competition.
Image of the Month
Set Subject - Shoes
February 2024 Competition Winners
Welcome to 2024. Our first competition is over and as usual we have some great images to share. This month our Set Subject competition is Seascape. Instructions to the competitors were
photograph natural coastal scenery, a wave study or a picture of the open sea, provided always that the sea is the centre of interest of the photograph. People, boats and man made structures may be present as incidental to the photograph
Images of the Month
Set Subject - Seascape
December 2023 End of Year Competition
2023 was marked by a move to new clubrooms at the Caulfield RSL and more time in person than on zoom, particularly as the year progressed. The 2023 End of Year competition has now completed with a number of categories for digital and print - as usual the standard was high. Take a look for yourself.
Inage of the Year
Image of the Year: Smooth Dancer by Gary Beresford
John Commin Memorial Trophy (Print)
John Commin Memorial Trophy Winner: Barefoot Walk by Kath Gillies
Monochrome Print
Portrait Print
Open Print
Nature Projected
Field Trip Projected
Open Projected
November 2023 Comp Winners
As the end of the year approaches. our last monthly competition before the End of Year comp sought to create a flower portrait; a single bloom or a single stem containing blooms of one type of flower (like a gladiolus or hydrangea). Not a bunch of flowers, or even a whole plant – a single bloom or stem, whether cut, or still attached and growing.
Images of the Month
Set Subject (A Flower)
October 2023 Comp Winners
Traces of things or people no longer there; imagine a scene where people or some other being or object has been. They leave traces to show where they’ve been and perhaps even what they were doing. This thought provoking set subject brief encouraged us create an image that showed the traces, but not the source and to find the story within the traces that remain.
Images of the Month
Set Subject
August 2024 Paul Robinson Trophy
Each year Paul Robinson, the founder of Caulfield Photographic Society sets members a challenge to compete for the perpetual trophy on offer. This year the topic was Architecture. The intent was to focus on buildings and other human built structures, highlighting their character, features and architectural style. Whether it be one or multiple buildings, interior or exterior, representational or near abstract. Incidental elements such as people can be present and may even help to give a sense of scale, but the structure had to be the focus of the image. At its best, architectural photography expresses the vision of the architect in an artistic manner. Take a look at the winners.
Paul Robinson Trophy Winner 2023: Carol Brandt, Eureka Tower Melbourne
Awarded Images
July 2023 Comp Winners
For this comp, our Set Subject competition set the challenge to create a Triptych Create comprising three separate images (not one image divided into three). The images were to be related and work together to form a harmonious, but not necessarily sequential whole. The images did not need not be the same size, but any size difference should accentuate the overall effect. The images were to be presented linearly, either horizontally or vertically
Images of the Month
Set Subject - Triptych
June 2023 Comp Winners
This month we went Abstract. We ere looking for images that don't have an immediate association with the physical world. Technique that could have been considered include perspective, movement, light and shadow to transform the world we see into an unexpected and unrecognizable image. Overall we were looking for an image that draws the viewer in and holds their attention, but doesn’t really give any clues as to what the viewer is seeing.
Image of the Month: Andrea Maloney. Oasis
Image of the Month: Jean-Philippe Weibel, Flowing
Image of the Month: Linda Donald, Hooded Plover
Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, Thats just grate
SET SUBJECT - Abstract
May 2023 Comp Winners
Repetition. That’s the theme for our Set Subject competition this month. We were looking for repeating shapes, patterns or themes. Repetition, repetition, yes, you get the picture.
Image of the Month: Andrea Maloney, Best seat in the house
Image of the Month: Carol Brandt, Goodbye Cruel World
Image of the Month: Gary Beresford, Old Crystal
Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, Pink Rush
SET SUBJECT - Repetition
April 2023 Comp Winners
In April we explored a set subject of People Moving, with a focus on an artistic interpretation. The person or people in motion do not need to dominate the image, but there is no question they are the subject. The motion can be shown through any technique including slow shutter using blur or panning, or the subject can be sharp as long as it is clear they are in motion.
Image of the Month: Andrea Maloney, I would too!
Image of the Month: Carol Brandt, OOPS
Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, In the Pink
Image of the Month: Philip Bassett, Long way home
SET SUBJECT - People Moving
December 2022 End of Year Competition
Well 2022 is a wrap. Our End of Year competition was held at the club rooms and we had a lovely gathering afterwards. 2022 marks a year where we started the new normal which certainly meant getting out and taking more photos. The standard as usual was very high, Take a look at our end of year winners.
Image of the Year
Image of the Year: Gary Beresford, Tulips
John Commin Memorial Trophy (Print)
John Commin Memorial Trophy: Gary Bereford, Misty Bales
Monochrome Print
Portrait Print
Open Print
Nature Projected
Field Trip Projected
Open Projected
November 2022 Competition Winners
Once a year we get two of our own club members with no judging experience to judge a Monthly competition alongside an experienced judge. It’s always a fun night. As well as the open section, our judging panel tackled the Set Subject “Winter”.
Image of the Month: Karen Tregoning, Study of a Pong Pong Seed