We have been keeping busy during the Melbourne Lockdown. We recently had our annual competition with Southern Suburbs Photographic Society, which proceeded using video conferencing. We came 2nd!! Of course our regular Club Meetings are also being held via Video Conference, but we have injected some additional activities to keep the inspiration going.
Cakes, who doesn’t love a Cake..
A two pronged attack to keep busy during lockdown. A subject of “Cakes” means you have to bake it first!
We have started weekly photographic challenges and virtual field Trips that you can do within the confines of your home. One of the weekly challenges was Cakes; first to bake a cake and then photograph it. Ingenious.
Another Weekly Challenge gave us to opportunity to explore Textures. Plenty of those in and around your home and is fantastic to be able to share our results and keep the conversations happening.
On The Street Club Competition
Our August monthly competition was set subject “On the Street”. Club member Mario Mirabile gave an inspiring talk to members earlier in the year in preparation. That gave us the opportunity to get these shots before restrictions. Mario then invited fellow Australian association of street photographers Inc. (AASP) member Adrian Whear to judge. Adrian had never judged before, but his critique was excellent. You can view some of Adrian’s work on the SSPC Website.
You can view all of the awarded image on our August 2020 Comp Winners Gallery.
Unscheduled Meetings
We are experiencing an unprecedented number of entries in our Club Competitions, perhaps because people have more time at home to sort through their images? This means that it is impossible for judges to give a critique on every image. We are making up for this by calling an unscheduled club meeting where members can discuss each images and offer their own critique. An excellent opportunity for all to sound out their own perspective and in particular those not experienced in critiquing and an opportunity to learn from more experienced members. All in all, I think Caulfield Photographic Society is keeping the connection going and helping to retain our sanity.