Panoramic view of the MCG, by Tony Harding
Fifteen Caulfield Photographic Society Members met at the Melbourne Cricket Ground and were given an excellent personalised MCG Tour by a volunteer guide. He modified his standard talk so we could focus on our camera work but was happy to answer questions. The feedback was very positive with the participants finding it most interesting. There were no events on and the stadium was empty. I think it helped to understand the enormous size of this complex. It was also amazing to think that 70,000 were packed in there the night before and somehow the cleaners had been through the place before we arrived. A colossal task.
MCG, Seats left and right, by Tony Harding
We were able to access various levels of the northern stands as well as a veranda overlooking the city on the fourth floor. Some of us climbed up to the very back row of one stand and did our best to take photos of the city through the glass with finger marks. We also were shown the media rooms, the changing rooms (that were empty) and the therapeutic ice baths (which were not particularly cold at that time). We also were given access to the Long Room and saw several pieces of art work. One was a very old large photograph of the grounds from 1895. Our guide was interested to know how we thought that it was taken. Also there were several paintings and a tapestry depicting various eras at the “G”.
MCG, The Wall, by Philip Bassett
In one foyer there were the engraved metal doors of the old stands that have been demolished. In another foyer they have hung up several rows of the wooden green seats from the old stands.
Often on field trips we spread out and wander around to find a better spot or other interesting places. Well on this occasion we had to stay together as a group for security reasons. However it did not restrain us too much as our guide was prepared to wait for the group to decide when it was ready to move on.
Despite showers being forecast, we experienced sunny fine weather with some dramatic clouds later in the morning. After a happy lunch together we went our own way around the outside of the MCC
MCG, White Pole, by Sue Kelso