
October 2022 Competition Winners

With a twist on our usual set subject, this month the theme was “Inspired by classic art” defined as a work of a non-photographic artist of any genre (eg paint, sculpture, woodwork, fibre arts… anything except photography). The challenge was then to use some of the qualities of that piece to create an image; not necessarily a replication but with some obvious qualities that are depicted in both; whether this be style, color, story or mood. The aim was to show the viewer what was admired in the original artwork and homage to it. The artist did not need to be well known. The twist is that members had to submit a photography of the classic art that inspired them plus their own image so that we can see the homage being paid.

Image of the Month

Set Subject - Inspired by Classic Art


September 2022 Competition Winners

September 2022 was a regular monthly competition with both an open and Set Subject across both Print and Digital. The Set Subject was Times Gone By where we were encouraged to back in time and create an image which speaks of simpler, slower times; to stir memories through nostalgia, humor or curiosity. Specifically the image must Tspeak of the times between 1850 and 1950 and attempt to be true to the period. No Steampunk, Portrait, still life, period costume, theme park or staged period re-enactment


Image of the Month: Gary Beresford, Superb Singing


SET SUBJECT - Times Gone By

August 2022 Paul Robinson Competition Winners

Each year Paul Robinson, the founder of Caulfield Photographic Society sets members a challenge to compete for the perpetual trophy on offer. This year was a challenging subject - Vanitas Still Life. This is a symbolic work showing the transience of life, the futility of pleasure, and the certainty of death. It often has contrasting symbols of wealth and symbols of ephemerality and death. It was a common genre during the 16th and 17th centuries that has also been created at other times and in other media and styles. Common vanitas symbols include skulls, which are a reminder of the certainty of death; rotten fruit (decay); bubbles (the brevity of life and suddenness of death); smoke, watches, and hourglasses (the brevity of life); and musical instruments (also symbolizing the brevity and ephemeral nature of life). Fruit, flowers and butterflies can be interpreted in the same way, and a peeled lemon was, like life, attractive to look at but bitter to taste. These can be classical or a more modern interpretation. Members rose to the task with some very creative images.


Paul Robinson Trophy Winner: Barbara Went, Barbara Went



May 2022 Competition Winners

Take a look at our May 22 winners with a Nautical theme. We looked for inspiration in life at sea, trade, ships, sailing, sailors, navigation equipment and ports.


Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, Magic Carpet Ride



March 2022 Competition Winners

This month our Set Subject is “High Key” . This is a style of photography having mainly bright or pale tones. Shadows can exist, but are minimal should not dominate in any way. We had a mix of both colour and monochrome images across a number of genres


Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, Shoo fly



February 2022 Competition Winners

In our first club competition for 2022, our Set Subject was Contrast. We encouraged to explore this in the concept of “difference”. eg light versus dark, big versus small, old versus new or young – you get the idea.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, The upstart


Set Subject - Contrast

December 2021 End of Year Competition

2021 was a tough year for photography.  With all the lockdowns, photo opportunities were often limited to our own back yard.  This theme runs through many of the winners, either in the subject, location or inspired creativity.  Field trips too were mostly cancelled, replaced with “virtual” field trips where we took photographs on nominated subjects locally according to the restrictions at the time.  One of these had a subject of “Eggs”. where creativity came to the fore with two of those images amongst the 2021 winners.  Take a look for yourself.

Image of the Year 2021: Mario Mirabile, Lockdown is easy

Monochrome Print 2021

Portrait Print 2021

Nature Projected 2021

Open Print 2021

Field Trip Projected Image 2021

Open Projected 2021

John Commin Memorial Landscape Trophy 2021

This is a print competition only, with a winner only

1st: Gary Bereford, Golden Morning Mist

November 2021 Competition Winners

November was our last competition for the year except for the upcoming End of Year event. It was notable because 2 inexperienced judges sat alongside one experienced judge from the club.. It’s a chance to put your skills and confidence to the test, scoring and commenting on the entries. Along with the Open subject competition, the set subject of Unusual Viewpoint tested the judges mettle.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month: Gwen Richardson, Above Below


Set Subject - Unusual Viewpoint

October 2021 Competition Winners

In October the Set Subject was Motion Blur. There can optionally be ,sharp and distinct elements as long as there is significant blur somewhere. Techniques could have included panning, intentional camera movement, unintentional camera movement, subject movement and zooming during exposure.. Take a look, including winning images from our Open competition.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month: Gary Beresford, CoVid Blue(s)

Image of the Month: Gary Beresford, CoVid Blue(s)


Set Subject - Motion Blur

September 2021 Competition Winners

In September we tackled the Set Subject competition “Give me the Night”. Not twilight, not blue hour, night. Take a look at the winning entries along with those from our Open Competition.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month: Kath Gillies, Flowing flowers

Image of the Month: Kath Gillies, Flowing flowers


Set Subject - Give me the Night

August 2021 Club Competition Winners

This month our set subject is Bokeh / Selective focus. This aims to present a high degree of selective focus to isolate the subject, or where the quality of the out of focus areas of the image (the bokeh) are an important part of the image presented.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month: Kath Gillies, Apricot Azaleas

Image of the Month: Kath Gillies, Apricot Azaleas

A Grade Open

Set Subject - Bokeh / Selective Focus

July 2021 Paul Robinson Competition Winners

Each year Paul Robinson, the founder of Caulfield Photographic Society sets members a challenge to compete for the perpetual trophy on offer. This year, as we are spending a lot more time at home, Paul chose Still Life, with the important elements to focus on being the arrangement of the objects, lighting and the symbolism.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, Black with two

Print Competition

Projected Competition

June 2021 Club Competition Winners

After a year when isolation has taken on new meaning, we tackle this as our June 2021 set subject. Images interpret the theme of isolation, but do not have to relate to pandemic isolation. For example, it can explore isolation such as minimalism and use of negative space.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month: Geoff Edwards, Solo Explorer

Image of the Month: Geoff Edwards, Solo Explorer

A Grade Open

Set Subject - Isolation

May 2021 Club Competition Winners

Blue can be a colour, feeling or even a musical style. Mmebers interpret “Feeling Blue” for out Set Subject competition.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, COVID Blues

Image of the Month: Mario Mirabile, COVID Blues

A Grade Open

Set Subject - Feeling Blue

April 2021 Club Competition Winners

Where there is smoke there is fire right .. maybe not, at least for our April 2021 Club Completion. We took a relaxed approach; If it looks like smoke, it is smoke! It can be the main subject or an important element of the story. Take a look at how our members interpreted the Set Subject “Smoke”, along with our Open subject winners.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month - Mario Mirabile, Mask

Image of the Month - Mario Mirabile, Mask

A Grade Open

Set Subject - Smoke

March 2021 Club Competition Winners

This month, as well as our Open section, the Set Subject was Complementary Colours. These are that colours that are are opposite each other on a colour wheel. The goal was to prominently feature one pair of complementary colours, whilst remembering composition and story. Here are the winning entries


Image of the Month - Karen Tregonning, A cut above the rest

Image of the Month - Karen Tregonning, A cut above the rest